Can you explain the homework? College student asking for help in his study group to finish the university assignments

When Protests Impact a Friendship

Protests may bring out strong emotions and could lead to conflicts in a friendship. Here are some suggestions for managing differences: Respect differences. No two people are going to see eye-to-eye on everything. It’s okay to agree to disagree. Find common ground. It’s likely you and your friend share many beliefs and values. Identifying areas…

Black distracted apathetic student in a coffee shop

Grieving the Loss of a Friendship

Losing a friendship is often painful, and may sometimes occur due to a difference in values or beliefs. In the aftermath of a friend “breakup,” it’s common to experience feelings of grief. These steps may help you navigate the process: Don’t bury your emotions. Allow yourself to accept the range of emotions that you are…

Crowd of people on the street. No recognizable faces

Crowd Safety Tips

If you live, take classes, or work near a public space, it’s possible that you could get caught in a large crowd of people. If this occurs, it’s important to maintain awareness of your surroundings. Some tips for staying safe when surrounded by people include: Make certain your cell phone is fully charged. Keep your…